Balancing out my thoughts and my emotions

Living Better with Yourself – Course 2

If you would like to learn to strike a better balance between your rational and emotional sides, then you’re looking at the right course!

Thinking and feeling can at times feel like they are opposite ends of the spectrum. Some of us are prone to live our life steered by one or the other. However, both of them are fundamental aspects of ourselves and the more we access both of them, the better we will feel about our life and ourselves. In this course we will learn how to develop more this balance by establishing a stronger foundation in another aspect of ourselves: our body.

Come and join us for this online course and explore this topic with others who are on a similar journey to yourself!


This course is one out of a series of online courses aimed at helping you live better with yourself by getting to know yourself better and become more embodied in your personal growth.

The series of courses consists of:

The series of courses compliments the self-development journaling book entitled “Living Better with Yourself – A Practical Guide to Embodied Growth” written by ourselves. The book contains extra material and many other exercises that you can use to further the experience you’ve had on this course. You can find more information about the book and order a copy here.


The courses are held online using Zoom with a small group of other people who are also on a similar journey to yourself and with whom you have the opportunity to share this moment of growth, while also learning from each other.

You can join any course at any time and in any order. It is, however, recommended that you first join us for the course “My body as anchor when dealing with stress”, as we offer some fundamental tools that can be useful for the other courses. This is why this course is offered twice throughout the duration of the series, in order to make it easier for new people to join on two different dates.

The courses are interactive allowing for sharing of experiences with the other participants. There will be some activities, discussions, as well as some input about the topic. Some of the activities invite you to move so try to ensure that you have some space around you. Also, you might require some material for the exercises (e.g. some sheets of paper or things to draw with), so please, have a look at the materials required prior to starting the course.


The courses are run in English.


Each course lasts 2.5 hours (19:00 – 21:30 CET).



Price for each course: € 25.

* If more than 1 course is bought at one go, there is a discount of 10%.

To book, please fill in the form below and you will receive an email with joining instructions and payment details (Bank transfer / Revolut). Please note that the payment needs to be received before the course. In case of any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below.