• How to cope better with anxiety

    How to cope better with anxiety

    Anxiety is a very uncomfortable feeling but it is there for a purpose. It is a way in which our mind tries to protect us from danger, a danger that is real, but also a danger that it is perceiving. The moment we are in danger survival is the most important thing. And that is…

  • How to relax when confined indoors

    How to relax when confined indoors

    Being indoors for a long period of time can lead to a blurring of boundaries between things that we do. For example, if we’re working, living, relaxing in the same space, it will be very confusing for our mind, and it would be harder for us to actually relax in the process. We might also…

  • How to nurture your relationship in times of lockdown

    How to nurture your relationship in times of lockdown

    Spending more time together in the same space with your partner can lead to a change in dynamics. You might feel that you’re feeling a bit more upset, or a bit more irritated with your partner. Or you might also experience a greater need for personal space and starting to feel claustrophobic, perhaps even in…

  • How to sleep better

    How to sleep better

    Having heightened anxiety around us will lead us to soaking up that anxiety ourselves. And that means that we will trigger off our threat centres in our brains and focus more on survival. And when that happens, it is very easy for our sleep to be disturbed because parts of our mind are focusing more…

  • How to cope with a low mood in times of COVID

    How to cope with a low mood in times of COVID

    Being inside can lead to feeling trapped and feeling trapped can lead to a downward spiralling of negative emotions and negative thoughts. And this can get even worse if, in the process, we have lost our job or we are in economic difficulties. But other things can happen in life that lead to a further…